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Home ExpertQuote – OLD

Health Insurance Premiums

are Increasing 400% more

Than the rate of inflation!

We have a proven Solution to the Rate Increases, We’ve saved
six figures annually for Bay Area companies you know by name.

Source: Kaiser Survey

Cumulative increases from
2000 – 2015

Health Insurance Premiums0%
Workers´ Earnings0%
Overall Inflation0%

EQ clients that have preserved and improved their benefits.

What our customers are saying…

Our Services

Group Health Insurance



Benefits Administration


HR Services


Estate Planning

Travel Insurance

Individual Health Insurance

Life Insurance

Pet Insurance

Is your company overpaying for Health Insurance?
Schedule your complimentary Benefits & ObamaCare Audit Today!

Contact Us

1136 East Hamilton Avenue, Campbell, CA

Phone: 408 953 1000

Fax: 408 944 9999

E-mail: info@expertquote.com